Saturday, 28 April 2007

Confessions of a serial mower - an earth moving experience!

Just a short blog to show you mousie in CSI Suffolk mode on her "suzy white sofa" to prove she can compete on that level and the duck family, who are now getting rather too tame and mousie wonders how she will keep her white sofa clean, should they all start paddling around the house!

Saturday man is here of course and as I am still under apprenticeship, I have to go out with him today. He wants to cut back some overgrown hedges and will re-edge some of the borders. We are trying to make the garden less labour intensive and more pleasureable (more earth moving then!!). GOH has gone to the office this morning so I have first call on said Mellors, before he comes home with his little "just do" list.

The pheasants, which come to my house to feed, are of course paying me back by pecking of the emerging seedlings so we going to make little wire netting cloches to protect what we can. They have been eyeing up the tiny asparagus spears - you know, the "do not pick for three years" little babies! Country living, a constant battle!



Un Peu Loufoque said...

Believe me duck poo is very hard to get out. We had duckling when middle was a baby. I'd put him on a rug in eh hgarden adn they'd sit next to him and ...

@themill said...

Catching up on several blogs at once - no time to read everyone everyday. Loved the thing about the farm. My father in law was completely ahead of his time in that he divided the land between all his children. Locals thought he was barking, but it has meant his two farm mad daughters have been able to continue farming. Don't know if any of our brood want to farm. I've told them all they have to go off and do something else until they are thirty and then decide!
Gorgeous grandaughter and glamorous Granny!
Fab shoes.
Good luck with the press battle.
BTW if you send me your complete http address I'll link you to my blog page

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Have been catching up a bit - you have been a very busy Mousie. Thank you for such wonderful entertaining blogs and thank you for all your support.

Milla said...

well what can one say but AAAaaaah!

Pondside said...

White sofa!!! You are brave! Keep up the good sleuthing work - what a mess CL has made of all this.

Suffolkmum said...

We have hungry pheasants in our garden too - they prance right up to the back door. You are brave, having a white sofa - although I can't beleive that I've just written that, since ours is cream.

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

know exactly what you mean about the constant battle, here too. love your pic of you with heiress.

Inthemud said...

Ahh! The ducklings are so cute!
You felt the earth quake did you? Didn't feel it here. Do you remember the gas explosion in Essex a year ago, I felt that , it shook my bed!And we're in Sussex

muddyboots said...

yes, l believe those mice could well berelated, & l do have a soft spot for mice. l always liked the little mice in the taylor of gloucester, such stichwork!

lixtroll said...

Great blithering bats, the Suzy White! And don't let the bats anywhere near unless you fancy the Suzy Besmirched version.-x