Confessions of a serial mower
Mousie has collapsed with all the excitement, confusion and legal wrangling
and I am just testing links and things. This is not a blog - it is a mouse tail.
Mousie has collapsed with all the excitement, confusion and legal wrangling
and I am just testing links and things. This is not a blog - it is a mouse tail.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Mousie - please tell me how you got your link. Do you need to do something to set it up?
I tried doing www.littlebrowndog etc.(with all the same bits as you had), and I get some nerd in Orlando talking about his pet dog's toiletry habits. HELP!!!
Go on - you try it. Actually, perhaps not...
Well I just typed in the blogspot address which I guess will be
Sorry, mousie - I did a lot of messing around and discovered that I am littlebrowndog-littlebrowndog for some reason - man in Florida obviously got there first with the domain name. (I'd better make that clear when I tell people, otherwise they're going to think I've taken to wearing a baseball cap backwards and logging my pet's bowel movements for all and sundry.
Wow, what stripes on that lawn! I don't have an avatar either. Not exactly sure what one is anyway. Do I need one? My blog does not appear to be working at the moment, so I am left stalking everyone else and the notice board!
Catching up today. Love the pic of the ducks below. I recycled all my old CL mags at the weekend post-fiasco I'm afraid, hope someone else is sorting out pages etc for you.
Hello Countrymousie. Have noticed that you like Clint Eastwood hmm, me too. I thought your pic yesterday of duck with chicks was lovely. Now, onto the subject of Mice. I look after a very eldery lady, who has knitted ones, Mr and Mrs Mouse, and a cook Mouse, and a gardener Mouse. They are delightful, wish I knew where I could purchase from. Have been to Woodbridge, spent some time near Tide Mill. My son used to live there a few years ago, he is in publishing, but they have moved to London now, because of business moving there.Will try and blog tomorrow re my thoughts on CLgate. My JRT is booked in with vet for an early appointment for her booster injection tomorrow. Warm Wishes dear Countrymousie.
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