Confessions of a serial mower - scandal and wildlife
"Rummin ol day today" as dad would put it. Storm clouds but no rain; wind yet humid and close. Neither one thing nor tuther!
One of GOH's girls in the office has handed in her notice - she is running off with someone who is married and they want to start a new life away from the gossip! Gossip, we hadn't heard any gossip and feel well out of the loop!
We hadnt got a clue - she is one of the more serious, studious members of staff, not at all flighty or flirtatious - so we are all "gob smacked" as the saying goes these days. At least she is giving notice I suppose and not doing a moonlight flit.
So, quick advert put together, and hey ho, another one bites the dust.
She, it has to be said, has been rather "smilie" of late - now we know why!
Rescued a blackbird from the greenhouse before it bashed itself to death against the glass. I feel a bit like that myself today - must be the weather.
On a brighter note, the eleventh duck has resurfaced - she has not been eaten by Mr Fox but seems to have been alienated from the flock as it were. Brothers, don't get me started on that one. She sits alone and looks very sad. I am feeding her up and making a fuss. Bloody males, it wont be long before they all want to jump on her - ain't life grand!!
One of the mother pheasants has hatched off 12 chicks and they are strutting up the drive - more livestock to worry about.
I'm not actually as miserable today as my blog makes me sound - my wording is rather
morose - I am blaming it all of this flipping weather.