Confessions of a serial mower - in the pink
Now folks - I do own lots of shoes - it is a habit/hobby of mine - Votes please for the pair to kick Suzy up the backside with if I go head to head!!! I am a size 4 please note - if you have a better pair!!
On a country theme because we dont want to be flippant on a day like today, note the striped lawns and the pheasant on the left in shadow - christ but this mouse is good!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Mousie,
Just popped in for a few minutes before I nip off to collect the Ace Gang (apart from us lot!). Thanks for your hard work on the detective front and ooohhhh those shoes!!! Is to too late to be children, chocolate wine and shoes?!
I think not - we all worship at that alter sometimes I feel! xx
Absolutely fab shoes mousie, love the colour pink, are they my size??!
Wow, love them all, right up my street, if foced to shoose I'd go for the far left (as I'm looking). Watch out Susy!!
Oops, that should have been choose, bit of a Freudian error!
Personally, and quite frankly I am the wrong person to ask concerning matters of footwear, I would go for the middle ones as the most easily fitted with steel toe caps. The ones on the right will always harbour teh risk of brbeaking your toes or chipping your nail varnish dear.
Ones on right would leave you with stubbed toes, ones on left run a very high risk of flying off, leaving you with undignified hopping situation, so it must be the Middle Shoes.
All three are gorgeous, I must add!
Pink shoes! - WONDERFUL. Love them all, but if I had to choose, the pair in the middle would suit me fine, size 6 please! Keep the blogs coming our way dear Countrymousie, I have always enjoyed them immensly. I had already wrote my comment to you, before you had actually put the pic up of pink shoes. This is what I wanted to say; if you have anything PINK to show in pics, well it would be the icing on the cake for me. Think KittyB loves that colour too. I expect other's think I may be dressed all the time in pink, not so, at the moment I am wearing GREY!
I vote for the middle one too! On the other hand you could just stamp on her toes with the heels. Ouch! Fab shoes though, Mags.
Think the pink mule on the left would be best, though could do with one with more pointed toe!
I was hoping to see the striped lawns .Very professional. Been merrily posting on your chat posts and realised that I hadn't paid a visit. Pink blog - pink shoes -pink lady most definately. My wisteria finally budded this year even though I snapped the tap root in the move I though I'd killed it but it gave me flowers Sooo chuffed. We were a designated flying zone for the forces because of the low population. My friend lives on a hill and one day a jet came so low that the windforce from it knocked her little boy over.
Ahhhhh - shoes to soothe the soul - er I mean sole, no - I really mean soul! I vote for the left!
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