Monday, 7 May 2007

Confessions of a serial mower - in Grandma mode

What a fun filled few days we have had with The Heiress. We have experienced many new treasured memories in just this short time. She walked unaided for the first time, teeny tiny little steps, quite by accident as she momentarily forgot herself and walked to steal her Granddad’s tea. She promptly sat down with the shock and excitement of it all, but we were there to witness it. She shrieked with laugher till we all cried, and has been gaining confidence ever since.
She has learnt to open and close cupboard doors and drawers whilst saying “open” and “close” every time, a hundred times, for at least half an hour at a time. Fisher Price has nothing on my poor bedside cabinet.
We have had our first picnic in the garden, under the sunscreen tent thingy we bought last year, only it wasn’t sunny it was windy but it served its purpose and indeed I may keep it erected for myself.
We have used the super duper coach built pram for the first time, a photo of which is accompanying this blog. She wasn’t too impressed at first but then she realized the pram was sprung and rather thought she was on some fairground ride I think.
She ate her first jelly – it seems she had never had a jelly – something I think I was raised on. If all else failed with me as a child, I was a particularly picky eater, mum would make a jelly or even a milk jelly, just to get something into me. Anyway, The Heiress is teething and her little gums are really sore. So, I followed my mum’s example and whipped up a jelly and it worked. She loved it and every meal this weekend seems to have involved a jelly in all sorts of guise. Plain, milk, with fruit, without. A spoonful of jelly, a spoonful of poached fish. I know, quite disgusting, but she loved every wibbly wobbly spoonful. Note my new improved language.
We are actually in training, as in a few weeks time, we get to look after her, on her her own for an entire weekend whilst her parents attend a non-child friendly wedding in Scotland. Its many many years since we have been entrusted with sole care of a toddler and we get the feeling we are being “hot housed” this weeked.
To this end we have all been obviously talking about the child abduction case in Portugal.
The rights and wrongs of leaving children unattended, even in seemingly the safest of settings. I am a born worrier and can and do worry for England. I would fear too much about whether a child choked, or drowned in the toilet, or fell, or turned the hot water tap on etc., let alone contemplate leaving them alone in a building however near I was. Is this just Grandma over protection, I think not. As I go upstairs to check she is still breathing for what seems like the hundredth time, and then hear her snuffly little angel breaths, I just know most of you think like me. She is the most precious gift we have ever been given. I feel my late beloved mum is guarding her with me.


snailbeachshepherdess said...

Wonderful - a REAL pram! My grandson is 6 weeks old and I had the pleasure of looking after him last Friday for the first time flying solo! But he is too big for their pram - one of those silly little things that are so fashionable! Already he is touching every side and had his knees bent up! Can we start a rumour please - BIG PRAMS are now 'IN'!

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

I can't imagine the Heiress being in safer hands than yours. What a wonderful gift to you she is indeed. I can't wait for it to be my turn to be Granny . . . . oneday! Sorry wildchild if you are reading this . . . I can wait . . . . no I can honest . . .tomorrow is ok with me . . . well maybe later today then . . . .

toady said...

You've got a proper jelly baby there. She's in safe hands. I'm a worry guts too. Toady

Pondside said...

You sound like the most concientious and responsible Gran and I'm sure she couldn't be safer. I understand, though, how you can worry. I read about that case in Portugal too.
You'll have a wonderful weekend with her and I'm sure everything will be perfect.

DevonLife said...

So much to discuss here:
1) pram, i bought a marvellous Silver Cross pram on ebay and felt quite the Norland nanny rolling my ones around in it. Believe buggies are no good for babies who need a huge space to loll around in
2) your lawn! with stripes!
3) kidnap in Portugal. Yes, we've been sat here discussing our own behaviour. We too have been on Mark Warner hols and although we had a baby sitter because we didn't want to leave them alone, could quite easily have done if a baby sitter wasn't available
4) be careful not you have been trained up as safe hands, you will be on call more and more and more - but that is surely not a good thing, it's a great thing!

Inthemud said...

How wonderful! Taking her first steps! It's such an exciting time, my 3 got earlier and earlier beginning to walk. Evie just 1 year, Soph 10 months and Lucy amazed us by walking at 9 1/2 months!!

The Portugal abduction is terrible, it's a parents worst nightmare, and I can't see a happy ending. Unbearable.

Suffolkmum said...

Phew, doing a mammoth catch up as I haven't been near the computer for two whole days, very weird. She is soooo beautiful, she really is. I want to be a granny already - one of the worst things about having had my kids quite late - 37 when K was born - is that I will be an 'old' granny. I'm sure you'll have a brilliant time next weekend. What a clever girl, saving hewr first steps for such an audience. I know - that Portugal abduction is on my mind so much. i instinctively thought 'I would never do that' (whilst having every sympathy for the parents of course), but when I think about it I have taken many risks, you just do sometimes. Have eaten in the back garden on a summer night with the downstairs windows flung open and the children asleep upstairs, have even popped into my next door neighbours for 2 minutes to deliver something when I knew K was sound alseep. Poor poor parents.

Un Peu Loufoque said...

Gosh Eldest as a pram just like yours!!! Havefun being a granny !!lovely blog as ever.

Faith said...

The Heiress is an exceptionally beautiful baby from what I can see! jelly was a staple diet with my eldest when she was little too - not sure how good it is for them, better when made with milk I suppose.

I am so upset about poor little Madeleine - have put a request for prayers on my page. Most parents have done silly or unwise things. I remember once lost my youngest at a holiday damp - Hub2 thought she was with me, I thought she was with him! One of the worst few minutes of my life.

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

beautiful picture. i have my grandson (14 months and also in the running for the most beautiful baby in the world prize) on mondays. not today as bank holiday. he too is nearly walking but moves so speedily as a crawler he has not a lot to gain by walking and some to lose!
felt so for the portugal parents, there but for the grace of god go most of us i fear. let us hope for good news.

Blossomcottage said...

Oh I think I need another Grandchild Oh I know don't be greedy but I would love one that wears frocks and might be keen one day to ride a pony, in the meantime Elliot is great even if you knackers his Granny. Love the Heiress

CAMILLA said...

The baby heiress is gorgeous, and the pram looks like the one I had for my children, I notice pram has a lovely pink cushion. Enjoy your granddaughter dear Mousie, she is very precious. I adore children and get very upset when I read about tragic things concerning them, so much so that I have been a devoted supporter to the NSPCC for many years now.I am a worrier like you also,remembering making "apple-pie" beds for my small children.

Tattieweasle said...

Precious indeed! The Heiress has a wonderful Granny.
I have a very grumpy old JRT who stands guard on teh children and no one but no one is allowed up the drive without him announcing it - v. diff if we all want a lie in on the w/e esp when the paper boy drops by...