Friday, 30 November 2007

Selling the Mouse House

Where to begin. The dapper man who steps out of his pristine car muttering about the "prevailing winds". I, being a tad clueless at this stage say that as we are so high the wind does tend to blow up here fairly! He was asking as he wondered if there would be room to mow a short airstrip through the wheat field for his Cessna!!
Or perhaps the lady who stepped into what I class as quite a large farmhouse kitchen saying it was far too small as she regularly seated 30 in the one she has now, and would wish to do the same here! Blimey, I get in a state if I think I have to cook for six!
I have met some lovely people over the past three weeks or so as I begin the painful process of selling our lovely farm. Not really the right time of year I know to start marketing such a property but my hand was forced as most of you will know by GOH deciding to start afresh with a new model!! I am taking some comfort from the fact that the house he has moved to is turning out to be a bit of a nightmare - unseen rot and him being a Surveyor and all!!!
So, with every approaching new "viewing" the process of coffee making, wood burner lighting, hoovering, cats being booted out etc etc starts. It takes a good two hours to do a basic viewing here with the house, buildings and farm. Nearly all my prospective buyers so far has been non farming folk who now wish to farm and so the process has been rather slow. Explaining crop rotation, set aside, wheat, barley, beans and sugar beet takes some doing without them glazing over at some point. Or me for that matter.
My agents have been very good and are vetting and weeding out those people who just want to come and spend a pleasant couple of hours out in the country and are allowing only those folks with proof that they have the money to spend. It has helped sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak and saves a huge amount of every one's time it has to be said.
My new house awaits me in a neighbouring village. I have exchanged on the deal and have a few months if need be to complete so I am very lucky. I am slowly becoming emotionally detached from this place which is what needs to happen. Having spent some 17 mostly happy years here and being somewhat forced to leave, it is hard.
I have not blogged for ages as so much has been happening with the house and everything so I thought it about time to bring you all up to speed. I have had a couple of serious offers but as yet they are way off the mark and it is far too early to start to panic. So folks, if you fancy some serious mowing and you know how I spend a lot of my summer days, and you want a move to Suffolk, its rollover day tomorrow on the Lottery. Get those tickets now. I have bought mine, I may be able to stay and have the other house for the weekends! I may even mow myself a landing strip and get a Cessna, prevailing winds permitting of course.


Milla said...

Mousie dear! Brave you. Goodness I hated all that viewing malarkey - I would do them myself too, best way. I got very very good at it! What a beautiful house it looks, although the one you're moving to sounds exciting. Great to see you back on the site and sounding so positive. I'm sure it's all a bit surreal still. Know what you mean about forgetting how to blog. I did my first in a couple of months recently and was tapping anxiously at buttons and buzzing my mouse around and it took forever to locate that wretched dashboard. xx

Elizabethd said...

Mousie, lovely to hear from you. It will be hard stepping back from the home in which you have lived for so long, but exciting things wait for you, I'm sure.

Faith said...

Thanks for blogging, Mousie. Its good to hear your news. The house you are leaving is very beautiful. It looks huge compared to our little cottage. I'm sure you will be happy in the new place when its all done and dusted, and hope the right buyer comes along asap.

Take care of yourself.

snailbeachshepherdess said...

Just keep looking forward Mousie we all know what happened to Lot's wife...I hope it all goes without too many hitches ...and Cessna aircraft on the stripes..

Frances said...

Mousie, It is lovely to hear from you. I very much admire the voice in which I hear your words!

Well, if I were to go out and buy a New York lottery (lotto) ticket tomorrow, which six numbers would you advise me to mark? I am not a lottery player, but every now and then, just for the entertainment, and to jump into the game of fantasy, I do buy one of those tickets to another planet.

Well, which six numbers?

Seriously, all best wishes to you, dearest Mousie.


Sally Townsend said...

It's like setting the stage and awaiting the actors isn't it ? everything utterly tickety boo, I'm rather glum though that its all non-farming folks .....we all know how these 'types' farm the land (or don't)xx

Kitty said...

As we once discussed, there but for the Grace of God, or should that be the whims of that mad Earl...

If we win the lottery you'll be my first call. S is seriously in love with your house and stripy lawns!

Chris Stovell said...

Mousie, I'm 'off-loop' at the moment but popped by v, quickly to wish you fair prevailing winds for the house sale.

Zoƫ said...

Hope everything goes well, and get you to move on to your new life very soon. May 2008 be a very wonderful year for you xx

Suffolkmum said...

I'm late as usual. It's a lovely house and I'm sure it must feel very odd at times to be leaving, but it's run it's course for you now - and it's weird how houses seem to 'know', isn't it? Your new mouse house sounds perfect. Mmmm - invest on Wall Stree or buy a farm - my kind of dilemma!!

CAMILLA said...

Nice to see you blogging again Mousie. It must be so difficult to leave your gorgeous house, but I have a feeling that the next house you move to will find you lots of happiness,and a wonderful new life awaiting you.

Do hope you get a buyer soon for the price you want Mousie.

Love and Best Wishes,

Pondside said...

Just getting caught up, Mousie. Good news recently, if I recall. I look forward to hearing all about your adventures in your new house!

Carah Boden said...

Mousie, I have been away for so very long that I have only just read this dreadful news of yours. Since your last blog you have probably moved house and had your first Christmas 'without him'. I do hope you are managing. You are strong, so I'm sure you are, but I'm also sure some days are still harder than others. Your old house was so beautiful (especially the lawns!) and I often imagined you there, I can understand the wrench at leaving and all the associated memories, good and bad. As you said though, one does 'detach' emotionally eventually and I'm sure you are very happy in the house you have moved on to and have made it your own. I look forward to hearing about how things are going when you next get round to it. As you say, you never know what's round the corner, eh?