Saturday, 6 October 2007

The final week

It's been a funny old week
in "Suffolk" speak
In seven days GOH goes
on his way
seeking his current dream
leaving mine in tatters
I am not however too distraught
I still feel that sense of freedom
that somehow this was meant to be
Three discarded wives cannot all be
at fault
Bags are being packed, skips filled,
lawns cut, cats fed
Some of life goes on as normal
parts take on a surreal feel
Meals somehow cook, shirts get ironed
cars washed, fields ploughed
All the time the air hangs heavy
with gloom and expectation in equal measure
I am down but not out
Friday looms.


Casdok said...

Glad to hear you are not feeling too distraught.
It takes time, but im sure you will get there.
The world is your oyster!

Un Peu Loufoque said...

Oh to hell with it tell him to go now and what he hasnt packed then he has to leave it. CM this is far too civillized hit him over the head with somehting hard dear how dare he stay unitl he is sorted just so he may remain comfortable like you are some sort of hotel or his mother!! Make him go to an hotel or a boarding house!!!!The damn cheek of the man after all he has done to you and all you have doen for him!!!

Sorry shut up now, none of my business..big hug here for you and a kick in the Kasbahs for him!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you have been so controlled this long. You are admirable. Did you hit him over the head by the way!!! Obviously not, otherwise he might have seen sense and realised a good thing when he has it.

Crystal xx

snailbeachshepherdess said...

Oh mousie what a sod of a time to have to get through...can understand where UPL is coming from ...from here it sounds so 'clinical'...organised down to the very last moment...are you sure we cant all just pop round and make it a bit disorganised and very painful for the gentleman in question?
Mousie... take care x

Hannah Velten said...

Did you say 3 discarded wives already? Oh, dear - when will it end...? And I didn't realise he was still at the house having you iron his shirts, etc (I guess that is what you implied). I agree with UPL etc, about making his life more difficult, but then I think you are having to live through this and you sound like such a nice person that it is not in your nature (oops...not that UPL and co are not nice - oh dear!!!)...hang in there, and dance when he goes...Take care. Mootia x

Sally Townsend said...

Hang on in there Mousie with your head held high, not long now, we won't be going anywhere, we're all right here for you xx Just quit ironing the shirts will you ?


Mousie - you sound so lovely and dignified under what must be incredibly difficult circumstances - he doesn't deserve you.

Lots of purple wishes

LBD xxx

Blossomcottage said...

I'm with UPL, you are far to nice Order of the Boot NOW then you can move on, we are all behind you whatever you decide to do. As my lovely son would have said when he was little " Mummy that mans an irriot!"
Thinking of you Mousie
with love

Cait O'Connor said...

Good on you, you are very kind but please don't iron another shirt!

annakarenin said...

Skips the best place for him and all his stuff. Remember that place you deserve you will get there but what will he get in the end I wonder? Regret possibly, who knows but like Blossom says we are all with you and care for you. You are such a lovely woman.

Norma Murray said...

Keep on mowing mousie. You'll get there.

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Liberation and peace are only a few days away and if you ever need company - you know where we all are.

Huge hug . . .

Frances said...


Let him just take all his wrinkles and complications right away from you.

Having said that, it is more of my personal nature to try to do well under every circumstance, so I can perhaps understand your attitude.

All the same, the cool air of late autumn and early winter will treat you well. I am certain of that.

What a band of comrades are here for you.


Pondside said...

Dear Mousie - very dignified and others I wish he'd get the heck out today. It's your comfort level and not his that we are all concerned about. Maybe this band of purplecoos could MOO-ve him out, down the lane, over the hill and into a motel. In the meantime, we're here, even in the wee hours.

toady said...

Kick up the bum for him and big hug for you winging over the countryside in your direction.

Grouse said...

Just remember that none of this is your doing, your fault or in any way of your making. He doesnt deserve you and I hope his leaving will pave the way for someone who does......

Kitty said...

Good girl, sounding as 'up' as you can be expected to be. Lippy on - fab haircut, posh shoes, up and at 'em.

countrymousie said...

You are right folks - its far too clinical but its the only way for me. I see in the Sunday Timews today an article about renewing marriage vows etc every seven years - seems a good idea.
Mind games now I think and if I can carry on as best I can, I have won that particular war.

Ivy said...

Contrymousie I would like to congratulate you on keeping it clinical. A very close friend of mine didn't and it made the whole situation even more unbearable for her and after more than a year of separation she can't get a divorce because he's doing everything to annoy her. Keep it as clean as possible, hit something else if you feel like it,but don't make it a mess. You will stand tall and can say he didn't pull me down.

CAMILLA said...

Hold your head high Mousie, it will get easier, YOU have a right to a HAPPY LIFE. No more ironing of shirts though, it's the crumpled look from now on. Thinking of you, and we are here for you.


Suffolkmum said...

Yes, keep that head - and tail! - high Mousie. You are a remarkable woman. I'd have thrown the iron at him long ago, but as Ivy says, where would that have got me? Thinking of you.

Chris Stovell said...

Hello Mousie, sorry I've come late to this. I think I'm in the 'Smile whilst your heart is breaking' camp... although like any other Purple Coo I am ready with sharpened finger to 'poke him in the eye' as our esteemed headmistress would say. I'll be thinking of you on Friday - you've been so brave, don't give him any excuse to pretend he's not to blame. Hang on in there, girl, we're right behind you. (ps congratulations on being published in the Telegraph - great to read your letter and think 'ooh, I know her!'.)

Exmoorjane said...

Late again here too.....and the others have said it all. I think you are incredible being so civilised under such circumstances but it will make some things easier in the future. Not entirely sure I'd have your forebearance though. Quite sure my iron would rest a tad too long on those shirts....
Tons of love, Janexxxxxxxxx