Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Confessions of a serial mower - back to normal

Well kiddies, here he is, GOH and No 1 son in the red MGA sports car - the one that may have run you off the roads on Sunday if you were in the Snape area! The grey haired one is hubby in case you thought I got really lucky! Bless him he rebuilt this little beauty from scratch as it were. It was a grubby white colour and, of course,
we all wanted a red one! So it has now been resprayed, rechromed and reupholstered. It is still slightly unreliable and I have spent many a "happy" hour in lay-bys around Suffolk, as he tinkered and tweeked the engine. We have met several helpful people during these happy occasions, the world and his wife seem to enjoy tinkering with other peoples breakdowns. The joy when a car stops to offer help. The embarrassment when it is someone you know; even more so when they offer to tow you home!!
Today was pick up and learn how to use contact lenses day for GOH. All went went until this evening when they had to be removed. Not as easy as first appears and I have just extracted them, weird little suckers arent they. Never had them myself, but it seems I am now the owner by stealth! I am in charge of all the paraphernalia that goes with them. I cannot see this working - he cannot see!! We will persevere and who knows what tomorrow holds.


Eden said...

Hi countrymousie -- great to see you again. love all the photos. The car reminds me of the cute little MGB I had before I got married -- such fun. the Heiress is utterly gorgeous! Eden.

lixtroll said...

Wow and double wow! And good luck with the contact lenses, Mousie will be busy indeed now! By the way saw a chat post you put on the Other Side, only one sentence but it had me guffawing out loud, oh Mousie you are not so mousie!

Milkmaid said...

I'm way more impressed with your mowing than before five that size, but i guess your mower doesn't keep on going missing as mine does

Bluestocking Mum said...

My hubby tried lenses and gace up in the end and had laser treatment!

Couldn't he get the car in pink for you Mousie??

warm wishes

Chris Stovell said...

What a very nice picture - and what a lucky countrymousie you are!

Inthemud said...

The car looks stunning! My hubby would love that! He'sjust finished rebuilding and re spraying a yellow Spitfire!

Oh contact lenses, how's he getting on? I tried them for 3 years never really liked them, much happier with my glasses.

Now I must go and do this painting!!

Sally Townsend said...

Which did you say your nearest airport was ? I can fly either direct from Carcassonne or Toulouse !!

tumbling said...

I am so impressed ! Oh that is a beauty - and rebuilt and resprayed. This is a wonderful, inspiring story.

Carah Boden said...

Love the lawn, love the car, love the Heiress - and good to see what you look like too!

Contact lenses? Persevere. I have them. Will never forget the first time the optician tried some hard ones on me - GET THEM OUT! GET THEM OUT! I screamed! Soft ones are much better, but still a bore. Scared of laser treatment tho. Tell hubby he's a wimp for not doing them himself!! But if ever you drop one, look on the mirror and the taps first - they cling to the most amazing places!

countrymousie said...

He came home lunchti8me for mummy to take them out!! He is too frightened of laser treatment as if it mucks up ... More training a head of me.

toady said...

Happy hours in lay-bys repairing the car? Who you trying to kid?
Great motor. Toady

CAMILLA said...

Well I have got here Countrymousie, was getting a little tad worried yesterday, as did not seem to be able to comment.That sports car is gorgeous, I used to own a Triumph Spitfire, dark green with soft-top, I used to drive it without my shoes on, heck, what was I thinking at the time! Oh, the open road, the wind in my hair!