Confessions of a serial mower - out and about
Whilst I was at Snape Maltings on Sunday we happened to pop into an antique shop/collectors fair and who should be in there but more of my mouse family, sitting forlornly on a shelf and I just had to bring them home. GOH felt sure the Tailor of Gloucester was reading a copy of CL but I had to remind him that this was not so, hardly anyone was these days. It was the Purplecoo Blogger. They are now nicely settled and love their abode.
Snape is situated near the coast on the river Alde in the heart of vegetable growing country on very sandy light soil. I am afraid Darkhorse came to mind as we drove past mile upon mile of plastic sheeting covering the valuable potato crops. It doesn’t look very pretty and in fact looks at first glance like acres of water. The potatoes are well advanced because of it and thus we are able to compete with the foreign imports because of it. Jersey Royals are in the shops now and shortly the Suffolk equivalent will be. The “crane fly” looking irrigators were out in force, watering the very thirsty carrot crops. We dodged them successfully in GOH little sports car as they watered the road as well as the soil. The roads hereabouts are covered with sand; when the wind blows, the soil erosion is very severe, and the soil ends up in the highway. Once heath land, now reclaimed agricultural land, forever trying to get back to its own roots. We moan about our heavy clay soil here inland, but on the coastal belt farmers are fighting another battle with mother nature. Nature nearly always wins. It’s simply in the scheme of things.' Nature will out' is a favourite saying of dad.
It was the most wonderful day, cloudless sky and a light wind; it felt more like June than April. The “Sunday drivers” were out in force, of course we were one of them, but this fact was lost of GOH who just likes to get from A to B without too much hanging around if you get my drift. GOH, another force of nature!
Coo aint you a glamorous Gran. Heiress is gorgeous. ToadyXX
What a find those little mice are very Beatrix Potter!
Sweet mice. I'd forgotten how sandy it is over that way. Lovley description. Oh no - Darkhorse is infiltrating our thoughts!!
Glad you had a lovely day! Little mice look really cute.
But, as you say, it is all about competition now in the countryside and I would rather buy local than imports, so........ I know the plastic looks awful, but I'd rather see the countryside farmed instead of built on. It is a contentious matter but British farmers have to be able to compete with the influx of all things from other lands. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.x
Another very sensible observation from CountryMousie on matters of competing with foreign imports and expressing more pearls of wisdom in all quarters.
You are SO glamorous Mousie-dare I say you look so much younger than I expected!!-funny how you build a picture of someone-you and the heiress are both gorgeous!
Just caught up with your world.
Seems strange to see Mousie in a serious blog mode today-you can do both formats very well m'dear.
+Glad to see you had a nice day-mice are lovely.
warm wishesxx
That is one very cute picture of you and the Heiress.
They are gorgeous, I want those mice! We were going to stay at Snape Maltings last year, but could not make it, hope to go another time. I have saved the website, whitewalls,snape,nr aldburgh.Thought you may be interested to know items of pink things in a small catalogue, called PLANTSTUFF - website is Pink Secateurs & Pruning Scissors, Gardening Gloves, and Apron, and Rainbow Trug, all in pink! Love your blogs Countrymousie.
As always, your photos present such a great collective version of what it must be like at your actual home. That heiress is incredible, but not more so than you are.
Do carry on. I so enjoy reading your blogs. You do take me out of my city in a blink of an eye, or a few deep breaths.
What a glamourous drive in a convertable you had! Very Grace Kelly-ish. Is GOH a Cary Grant type?
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