Confessions of a serial mower - googled but still standing
Well Ive said my goodbyes over there and now I shall have to find a comfy place to sit over here. My e-mail inbox has pinged off its hinges which is rather thrilling and makes a change from the viagra which usually appears there. I will not buy that now I am going to get a magnet - I may get GOH one as well.
Anyway, feeling a bit better and my neck has been re-aligned as my lady calls it - I say whacked but she says I shouldnt frighten people with that description. I have a very tight and stressed neck - I wonder why!! No news from the CL people yet is there or have I missed the boat as usual - no news from the winners either I see. Love mousie.
Can I upload my pic to this yet - or am I running before I can mow!!
Well I have no idea how I got here but get here I did so HELLO and I will come back when and if I find my way out Blossom
Hello Mousie! Can I comment here yet?
How sad is this - testing my own comments - checking my tick box works
Countrymousie - just wanted to say I saw your parting shot on the CL site, and I almost cried with laughter. Patio-gas indeed - how right you are.
Let's all burn our Cath Kidston tableware together, singing "we shall overcome" Greenham style!
Mousie have you got any of my comments through yet? You are on 'Comment Moderation' which means you have to approve them all.
Will you keep your pinny on for this site ?
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