Saturday, 7 July 2007

Confessions of a serial mower - Five things to Perk me up

I suppose I am very lucky in that I don't suffer from deep depressions and am usually quite upbeat, despite always seeming to be ill with something or another.

Anyway, Muddie, bless her, has tagged me and I am therefore endeavouring to think of five things that I do/turn to to pick me up from a low mood.

1. Well I think you all know by now my shoe compulsion. I have to admit it is not as bad as it once was. We have a one in, one out (pair) policy here now and this does help. I do like to keep my new shoes in their boxes and I like to keep them new! I get immense pleasure from a new pair of shoes and at one time used to have a Bally factory shop about 25 miles away and this was were I would head for a serious bit of retail therapy.

2. Reiki. I first discovered this when I was staying at Ragdale Hall Health Spa, having won a de-stressing week there in a national competition. It was a slogan what won it!! Cant for the life of me think what this witty slogan was but it must have been good. Anyway, there was a female Reiki Master in residence and I received a treatment every afternoon. With all due respect to GOH, it was better than sex. I wasn't particularly stressed when I went to the Spa, but at the end of the week I was so laid back and high, it was transforming. I have never found anyone else to do this at that level but the Master I have found locally is still relaxing and worthwhile.

3. Swimming. Not being particularly fit and having dodgy joints, running and jogging etc is out of the question but swimming is something I can do easily and as well as the next man! I have a hydrotherapy pool nearby and they very kindly let me swim there, as well as exercise.
I only need 30 minutes of breast stroke laps and I am renewed. Whether it is the warmth, the water or the exercise, it does it for me every time, and every Monday.

4. The Beach. We are only 20 minutes or so away from some wonderful Suffolk beaches and the North Sea. So, along with a lot of you I walk the beach. Just the smell of sea air lifts my mood. If we are abroad, we now always holiday near a beach and ocean. It pulls me, it draws me, it sucks me in and spits me out refreshed. I just feel cleansed.

5. I watch the movies "Pretty Woman" or "Father of the Bride" and they never fail to lift my mood.

Having read the above, they seem pretty ordinary things and nothing earth shattering, but when you are low I think routine is good and simple is safe.

Well, Muddie that's me done. I think most of us have run the relay now and I can drop the baton.


Anonymous said...

I think you're absolutely right about mood lifters being the simple things in life. Swimming, beach walking, movies. Interesting to hear about Reiki and if it's better than sex I might give it a go!

Crystal xx

countrymousie said...

Well Crystal - I did say only this particular persoon was! Otherwise stick with the real Macoy!!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you about the beach. We live quite near Southend (does that count as a beach I wonder?) and I love the smell of the sea air. It takes me back to my childhood I think!

I actually found your 5 things very interesting. I love Pretty Woman too - it's my favourite film of all time!!

Bluestocking Mum said...

I go swimming about 3-4 times a week if I can. It definitely helps me.

I like Pretty Woman and Father of the Bride makes my eldest laugh with hysterics. We enjoyed Father of Bride 2 as well.

warm wishes

CAMILLA said...

I love walking along the beach, nearest one from us is about 40 minutes away. You have some glorious beaches in Suffolk Mousie, my husband wanted to move to Aldeburgh once, it is a lovely spot. I used to ride the horse at the waters edge at Wells in Norfolk, very exhilerating. Thank you for leaving me your comments Countrymousie.

Pondside said...

Yes, I've also had the good fortune to encounter a Reiki master. Incredible. Can't say more than that.

Sally Townsend said...

I've been tagged too but like you wonder if the simpliest things that lift me are way too dull to write about. So know what you mean about the sea, but what about the famous mowing ???

@themill said...

I discovered reike last year. I was so sceptical but was amazed by how good it made me feel.
Sad story about your friend. Amazing how some people do what they do.

Fennie said...

Lovely blog, Mousie. I'm with you totally on the last two. Abolutely against on the third (swimming) unless the water is like soup 30 degrees or more for I hate being immersed in cold water (mind you there is nothing at all that beats sitting on the river bank and dangling your feet - but only your feet - in the stream!) Have never tried Reiki - but you've encouraged me now - and am sort of with you on shoes but pleasure is always mitigated with pain as until I've really worm them in shoes never seem to fit me properly however nice they look, unless they're very loose or sandal-ly.

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