Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Confessions of a serial mower - scandal and wildlife

"Rummin ol day today" as dad would put it. Storm clouds but no rain; wind yet humid and close. Neither one thing nor tuther!

One of GOH's girls in the office has handed in her notice - she is running off with someone who is married and they want to start a new life away from the gossip! Gossip, we hadn't heard any gossip and feel well out of the loop!
We hadnt got a clue - she is one of the more serious, studious members of staff, not at all flighty or flirtatious - so we are all "gob smacked" as the saying goes these days. At least she is giving notice I suppose and not doing a moonlight flit.
So, quick advert put together, and hey ho, another one bites the dust.
She, it has to be said, has been rather "smilie" of late - now we know why!

Rescued a blackbird from the greenhouse before it bashed itself to death against the glass. I feel a bit like that myself today - must be the weather.

On a brighter note, the eleventh duck has resurfaced - she has not been eaten by Mr Fox but seems to have been alienated from the flock as it were. Brothers, don't get me started on that one. She sits alone and looks very sad. I am feeding her up and making a fuss. Bloody males, it wont be long before they all want to jump on her - ain't life grand!!

One of the mother pheasants has hatched off 12 chicks and they are strutting up the drive - more livestock to worry about.

I'm not actually as miserable today as my blog makes me sound - my wording is rather
morose - I am blaming it all of this flipping weather.


Suffolkmum said...

Ooh I love a bit of office gossip - it's the one thing I miss from work! So glad the duck made it.

snailbeachshepherdess said...

nothing like a bit of gobsmacking goss to get everyone going is there? These wild creatures do nothing for the nervous system do they...we've just found a baby jackdaw too tired to complete maiden flight....sat him on the hedge for parents to feed and hope he regains his strength soon

Blossomcottage said...

Oh goody goody gossip, its nice to have some, it saves making it up.
Not too much greenhouse bashing please might hurt yourself and there is still that modelling contract to consider when it at last turns up.
Blossom x

Pondside said...

You didn't sound morose at all - just sort of Monday-ish. Glad that the 11th duck has appeared, but sorry fo her that she'll soon be set upon by the drakes. Poor things. I remember when Lillypad first say the drake on top of one of the 'girls' - my sister answered her "what's happening?" with a very dry "It's sex darling." and Lillypad looked horrified.


Weather? What weather - it's lovely and sunny over here. And you don't sound at all morose (anyway, if if you did, it's allowed.)

Love pondside's story about her sister - one way to keep your offspring on the straight and narrow, I suppose!

Chris Stovell said...

I do hope it works out for office girl. If she is not a 'flighty piece' she must be eating her heart out to have madae that decision. Don't blame her at all for trying to get away from all the flack! Not at all morose, Mousie, never.

Exmoorjane said...

It's always the quiet ones! I don't think you sound morose either..... Well done on saving the blackbird - idiot bird. What IS it with blackbirds?

Actually I keep thinking of you every time i drive up our driveway. Our mower bit the dust a few months ago and - since our buyer turned out to be a cad - Adrian has gone on strike with the strimmer. So we have a meadow up either side.....and are making hay on the slopes too.....
Once we move we will have just a small patch of green - hurrah! Might even aim for a stripe or two (though suspect small boys and footballs will put paid to that idea). jxxx

CAMILLA said...

You dont sound morose at all Countrymousie. The weather here today has been quite warm with lots of sunshine, but this evening we had a ferocious thunderstorm.
Love the Ducks by the way, feel sorry for the female one left on her own, thank heavens for Mousie who is going to take care of her.

annakarenin said...

The thunder has finally struck here so stuck inside it is probably because I have some long awaited garden furniture arriving as it was stunning weather this morning, infact it was beautiful last friday for no 3 birthday when you were having rain mind you Suffolk gets more than it's fair share of beautiflu weather many is the time I spent in Broomhill swimming pool when my sis lived up there.

I don't think I have owned 120 pairs of shoes over my entire 40 year life span!!!!

annakarenin said...

p.s your ducks are so gorgeous I can't wait to get mine. Wild ones go slong the brook behind us we hear them but don't actually see them because our neighbours garden runs behind ours.

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Don't you just hate it when there is gossip and you are completely out the loop.

I am so glad you rescued the blackbird - I rescued a young greenfinch this morning that had flown into our window. Quick warm up in my hands - bit of Reiki and within the hour it was able to fly off.

Oh I envy you the ducks and pheasants - but quite a responsibility . . . .I know you worry about them - because you are keeping an eye an the alienated little duck.