Saturday, 7 June 2008

The Sale of the Century

Where to begin as I have so often said.
This photo was taken last July, just a week before I discovered GOH was having an affair. The sun was setting over my life and I didn't even know it.

Odd how things turn out isn't it.

It's just 8 weeks since I moved four miles to a totally new life. To a modern, "grand design" type of a house, all glass, open plan, wood floors, built into the hillside with views to die for and surrounded by 25 acres of grassland. A farm girl and her meadows cannot be parted it would seem.

A new job; offered by the Agents who sold my farm. I now show lovely country homes around this area of Suffolk. I adore it and the new people I meet. Many of whom it has to be said seem to be the position I found myself last year. Despite the gloom and doom that one reads about the property market at the moment it seems that many people are divorcing or separating and whereas one house sufficed, now two are required and thus
in some small way keeping the housing market afloat. A sobering thought to ponder on.

I sold the farm to a lovely young couple with two small girls who I know will love and enjoy the place as we had. I felt no sadness on the day of moving, just a tremendous relief and no tears. The only tears were from GOH who came back on the day to collect a few things and the realisation of the finality of the whole event came home to roost. I had one small "turn" in the middle of the lawn when the money failed to materialize from my buyers and their removal vans were lining up in the driveway. I totally lost it but got my money before the afternoon was through; the mouse turned.

I have spent the past few weeks updating this house - it had not been lived in full time for its entire life - 12 years - and needed a good clean, paint and spruce up. The lawns of course have been striped. I did get possession of my mower!

I will write a blog about my new home soon with photographs etc. I think it and I were just waiting for each other. I had watched it being built out of the hillside some 12 years ago never thinking in a million years one day it would be mine.

I have found many new friends en route and lost a few old ones, as I knew I would.

The mouse still roars.

GOH = galivanting old husband - not gorgeous older husband!