Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Confessions of a serial mower - just another difficult day!

Hellfire and damnation. I am seething.
May 2006 I frequented our local Ford dealership with a friend of very limited means and a small savings account, to exchange her old banger. We struck such a deal and we were thrilled. Her old Fiesta was traded in for a 3 month old ex-demo Ka.
I did all the dealing and suchlike as old mousie is sometimes likened to a Rottweiler and I was rather pleased with myself!! It was a cute little car and just right for her. Her first proper car that wasn't a "heap". Something of her very own.
A year's free motoring was ensured for said friend with the final free
service being this May, all part of the package.


Said salesman it seems was in the midst of a mad passionate wild affair at that time, his mind was on other things, and he did not write up the deal as we both understood it. He left the dealership soon after our transaction, and after some 30 years of marriage, ran off into the sunset with a lady he sold another car to!! He now, rumour would have it, drives coach tours all over Europe with lady lover and no one knows where he is based. Wonderful.
Anyway, friend goes to pick up little car from its service to be told she owed £200.00 and the service was not free and there was no record of it.
"Couldn't possibly be as it wasn't new when we obtained it". It had just 3,000 miles on the clock and was their demonstrator!! Why would I make it up.

We are both liars it would seem. Couldn't possibly have made such a deal - if we had it would have been logged etc etc. Well, the "loved up" salesman made so many mistakes on the sales document anyway, that we are at a stalemate at the moment.
It's a "he says, she says" dialogue.
Friend paid up, in tears, and I am now trying to get the money back.
Her husband, of course, had said she shouldn't have the car and she is now getting the "I told you so" spiel.

I was so pleased with myself at the time for sorting this out, without the use of GOH, and now the bloody thing has gone pear shaped. Now £200.00 may not sound much to most people, but to my friend, it is a huge big deal.
Hubby and I have over the years bought various cars from them, and now of course GOH has got involved. He was so incensed, and I have to admit, I am going to let him run with it.

Now awaiting a huge removal lorry - no, we are not joining Jane and moving to pastures new - in a rash moment when No 2 son bought the house in Portsmouth, I said would they like our dining room furniture as it would fit so well in the house.
Thinking it was far to old and traditional for them I thought I would make the gesture.
"Yes please" they said, "When can we have it"!! Sh*t!
They have now sold their stuff and need it now. So my lovely 12 seater table and chairs are off to a new life. I have managed to hang on to the dresser, which being oak, luckily isn't to their taste! I am now going to redecorate and get an oak table and chairs.
I will not be changing my car this year it would seem.

Photo is of son, daughter outlaw and the Heiress here at Christmas with the dining room furniture. I may hold back on the grand gestures in future.

On a brighter note, in the Telegraph this morning, I see it is very "now" to wear pink. Thank god for small mercies!


Un Peu Loufoque said...

Oh how terrible for your friend, I think £200 is an awful ot of money to an awful lot of people. I am not suprised you and your friend are uspset, she must be feeling absolutley sickened!

Faith said...

oh thats awful. Money is money and I wouldnt be best pleased to be served a trick like that either!

Suffolkmum said...

That is really awful, and I can see how frutrated you must be, having sorted it all out so well for her in the first place. Head to toe pink I think to cheer you up today! Oh well, at least you'll be able to 'visit' the dining room furniture quite often!

snailbeachshepherdess said...

Go for it mousie . I bet you get it back!

Chris Stovell said...

Bloody hell! How very miserable for all concerned that your transaction went so wrong through no fault of your own. Frankly an unexpected bill for £200 would have me in tears at the moment so can understand the big deal. I'm sure your friend is very grateful to have you on her side whatever the outcome - especially in the light of 'shouldn't have had the car in the first place' comments from DH.

Bluestocking Mum said...

WIth Mousie on the case, they won't stand a chance!! Your poor friend.


Cait O'Connor said...

Bet you wish you had had a voice recorder thing with you. I personally would fight it all the way. Threaten them with publicity.
Purple is the new pink I think.

Sally Townsend said...

Go sock it to them Mousie !

Elizabethd said...

What a rotten thing to do. hope so much that you can threaten them with law etc, and get the money back.

Inthemud said...

Oh How infuriating! Never trust car dealers, I know I'm married to one! But that is just out of order.
And way over top for a service any way, but that's what garages charge these days. Stan would do it for £100!

jackofall said...

Threaten them with writing an article for the local press - draft it and send them a copy. Also, an oral contract is still a contract, you and she are two witnesses to that contract, they have none to gainsay you, so a threat to go to the small claims court might work in your favour as well. They're not going to want bad publicity for the sake of £200, which is not a lot to them but a darn sight more to MOST of us here, I would guess.

Milkmaid said...

The chap I take my little car to, sends out bills a long time after the event, i got my bill for my April visit yesterday,I knew it would be coming, but you kinda forget and it's a shock

Woozle1967 said...

If anyone can sort it, Mousie can!! Will you adopt me so that I can have your dresser? Cyber hugs.xx

Pondside said...

Oh Mousie, I love your Grand Gesture!! I made a similar Grand Gesture regarding a nearly-new dark blue leather couch. Of course son and daughter-in-law wanted it. Also wanted the matching love seat, but Lillypad said 'no, that's for me when I move away'. Hmmmmm I guess I'll need to do some furniture shopping too!
Re the car swindle - I hope you get your little mousie teeth deep into that dealership and shake it until the 200 falls out!

Gretel said...

That is horrid, I am in similar situation to your friend and I would not know where to lay my hands on two hundred quid. Can she not get Citizen's Advice involved?

I am not surprised that the dining furniture was snapped up, lovely stuff from what I can see in the photo.