Confessions of a serial mower - down and dirty
Well I have just spent an hour and a half on the kitchen floor with our carpenter - lots of sweating, swearing and thrusting, but no sex. Yep, the integrated fridge has gone wrong, the new one has arrived and it is a different size!! My arms are small enough to reach the back to adjust the legs and said arm got stuck!!
Luckily I know carpenter man very very well, from junior school in fact, so getting down and dirty was not an issue. I mean dirty in the sense that the dust and debris behind my fridge and plinth was somewhat embarrassing. But, much to my amazement, no dead animals!
This is not the day I intended.
Firstly we had a power cut during a severe thunderstorm, then carpenter man turned up unannounced as his outside work had been rained off, and we "might as well have a go at the fridge"!
Whilst on the floor with said man, GOH comes home! His contact lens has come adrift and he can't sort it! So, he helps get my arm out and I then have to find contact lens under his eyelid. Typical Friday really. I hope you are all having a fun day too!
I took this picture yesterday afternoon and then saw @themill's border - I now need obelisks to complete the look I fear. Did you make them or did you buy them I wonder. There is talk of heavy rain here for the weekend so thought I had better record the roses before they get their petals all bashed.
I am now going for a lie down, alone!!!
Lovely roses, do you know what variety they are? You should be able to buy obelisks at a good garden centre, but they are not too hard to make, if you have some willow or hazel branches.
That garden looks delightful. You did make me chuckle when you mentioned the dust and debris behind your fridge! I dread to think what's behind mine.
Even if I'd known him from junior school I would've been mortified if he'd seen behind my fridge - it's probably a burial ground for dead mice. Fridge (on CCW page) looks great, so do the roses. Adore them. We had all that torrential rain and thunder too, luckily no power cuts (yet!). Yep, another wet weekend looms. xx
Oh dear, that did make me laugh - just as well because I've had tears of relief in my eyes from the purplecooers lovely comments. Well, Mousie, no wonder they thought you were hot stuff if you're the kind of woman who enjoys a session on the kitchen floor with her carpenter! It may well be time to become reacquainted with my inner strumpet!
Oh Mousie, you tease you - what, no steamy sex on the kitchen floor? I am distraught... but suspected as much - fellow Capricorn that you are (we would never EVER have hot steamy sex on a kitchen floor!). Lovely border, btw.....and stunning lawn!! Thank GOD you can't see would never speak to me again.
Lovely Roses.
Poor you , hope you've rested and now got kitchen sorted out.
Thanks for your thoughts and advice, I'm nearly agreed in my head, I think i'm going to turn the offer down, because it will impinge too much on family , Lucy would suffer and I don't think I could cope with the drive to Hove every day 70 mile round trip. But Had long chat with current DD and she is so keen for me to do it, I feel guilty not going for it, but it;s wrong time. There I 've written it so that must be my decision!
Have a lovely weekend
As ever, your garden looks delightful. We have had a lot of rain here in the past two days, New Dawn Roses have taken a bashing, hoping the sun comes out soon. Thank you for your messages dear Countrymousie.
That bed looks very tidy! We're to have a lot of rain all Saturday and Sunday, so it'll be another weekend where I won't get into the garden.
I had to laugh at the mental picture of you and the fridge man. I wouldn't want anyone to see behind my fridge - they could get plague or something awful from breathing in the dust!
Your garden is really lovely, borders and lawn.
(Your song is on by the way)
I do like to have a steady stream of workmen tripping through my house (although I'm not sure H is so keen to see their bills afterwards). We, too, have an integrated fridge that I suspect is going wrong (I'm always mopping up water from underneath the chiller tray - is that a sign?), so I'm reading your story with trepidation. And I hope you managed to get your arm out eventually!
Oh Mousie - what day - S*d's law if it can go wrong it will go wrong. Your garden is amazing I am very envious and covet your lawn mower.
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